Who am I?

A nice picture of me... or maybe not?

Me? I am Piyush Raj. I am currently 13 years old. And I look wierd, maybe 😅? I am passionate about coding and I have worked with a few languages and code editors. I have been doing this for about a year now.

What have I worked with?

Visual studio code, the worlds most famous code editorC#, a coding Language used in Unity and othersUnity, a cross platform development program

I have worked with mainly Unity. I just love game development. I also know HTML, CSS and a little bit of JavaScript. Since I work with Unity, I also know about C#. I have worked with mainly Visual Studio Code while editing code, mainly web development. I have also worked with Visual Studio, mainly for writing C# and working with Unity.

How to contact me

Contacting me is not very hard. Just WhatsApp me on +91 89695 53173. You can also drop me an email. You can also visit my GitHub Profile as well!